This moment is full of the ultimate breakthrough.
We’ve held on to an image of perfection, love, forgiveness and peace because that is what is socially acceptable. We made that which doesn’t fit that image wrong, bad and unacceptable. Because of this suppression – the shutting out of how this moment is expressing itself like jealousy, alienation, depression we’ve subconsciously become angry and maybe even full of hatred. We’ve distanced ourselves from the very thing that is God – which is this moment, just as it is. By seeking for an expression of it that is tame, socially acceptable, likable, pretty we’ve lost the very essence of life. The ultimate path to THIS, this moment, is total transparency: “I fucking hate you”, “This is so painful”, “I’m angry”. Without letting these things come up we’re living a lie. We’re sitting behind a veil continually punishing ourselves for not being a pristine illusion.
Through our rejection, we’re actually moving farther and farther away from the source of this expression. Ultimately, nobody ever did anything to hurt you. All of life had to happen for that single moment of that person “hurting you” to occur. But you suffer because you’re not free in your pain, in your reactions to life. You’ve caged your anger, hatred and disgust inside a socially acceptable bubble to stay confined in an image of the “nice” and “lovable” person.
This is about complete freedom to be what is being done. This is the liberation and ironically the return to our perfect still source.
I love it! But I would have liked a little more. . .this is why I’m burnt out on Buddhism and spiritual types, it seems like a “nice off” contest: the nicer I am the closer to enlightenment, so, enlightenment is like a contest with a mysterious judge. Perfectionism grows and with it self loathing the same time, yeah, we don’t want to develop being hateful either. So, like everything there is a balance there. . .I mean you probably don’t want to keep it too real if you wanna keep your job. I learned that the hard way, huh. Institutions like people can’t stand being called out. Amazing, too, how people will be like “you’re right” then say nothing and even distance themselves from you once the shit hits the fan. Especially when you work with “nice” people who seem to take it as a badge of honor to be taken advantage of, self-sacrificers, another A on their karma report card. Whoops I went on a rant Bc I took it personally. . .Anyway, most people especially nice people seem largely full of it to me. Oh and notice how much techies and corporations have gone from ironic messaging to kind, compassionate- “we’re the good guys” kinda stuff. . .we all know they’re primary objective is profits at all cost, etc.
except that when babies suffer trauma, without social conditioning, without trying to be the nice guy, they are traumatized at a far FAR greater level than any adult who has social conditioning and “isnt living in the moment”. Babies dont make themselves suffer, others do. They are innocent. And they shatter when they suffer trauma.